[저술 활동] [SCIE] "ATMSim: A Hadoop and Self-similarity-based Simulator for Collecting, Detecting, Measuring and Analysing Anomalous Traffic"
·2021. 9. 12. 18:56
"ATMSim: A Hadoop and Self-similarity-based Simulator for Collecting, Detecting, Measuring and Analysing Anomalous Traffic"
International journal of web and grid services v.13 no.3 , 2017년, pp.334 - Jeong, Hae Duck J. Ryu, Myeong Un Ji, Min Jun Cho, You Been Ye, Sang Kug Lee, Jong Suk R.

Inderscience Publishers - linking academia, business and industry through research
Home Full-text access for editors The full text of this article --> ATMSim: a Hadoop and self-similarity-based simulator for collecting, detecting, measuring and analysing anomalous traffic by Hae-Duck J. Jeong; Myeong-Un Ryu; Min-Jun Ji; You-Been Cho; San