[저술 활동] [KCI] "개선된 ATMSim을 이용한 DDoS 공격 분석(DDoS Attack Analysis Using the Improved ATMSim)"
·2021. 9. 12. 18:51
개선된 ATMSim을 이용한 DDoS 공격 분석(DDoS Attack Analysis Using the Improved ATMSim)
정해덕 (Department of Computer Software, Korean Bible University ) ; 류명운 ( Department of Computer Software, Korean Bible University ) ; 지민준 ( Department of Computer Software, Korean Bible University ) ; 조유빈 ( Department of Computer Software, Korean Bible University ) ; 예상국 ( Division of LBS Solution, SK MNS ) ; 이종숙 ( Department of Computational Science & Engineering, KISTI) | Journal of Internet Computing and Services = 인터넷정보학회논문지 | v.17 no.2 | pp.19 - 28 | 2016

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